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Archív roku 2025


Kde: Online
Na tému: Challenging Traditional Methods: Understanding AI-driven innovations in language teaching 
Pre: All teachers
Typ akcie: Webinár
Dátum: 24.03.2025
Čas: 16:00


Dear teachers and lecturers,

we want to invite you to Pearson Live webinar series  Challenging Traditional Methods: Understanding AI-driven innovations in language teaching.

The online event, will take place between 24th and 28th March and will provide 5 thought-leadership sessions on trendy topics in ELT.

Join this live webinar series to explore how AI is challenging traditional methods in English language teaching. 

This 5-part series brings together leading experts to discuss AI-driven innovations, and the impact on pedagogy and assessment. We will address the every-day challenges faced by language educators using AI and offer practical solutions to enhance your teaching practices.

Receive a professional development certificate after every session. Plus, complete the full series to earn a Credly by Pearson digital badge.

Invitation Banner



24th March, 4pm (GMT)

"Adapting assessment in the age of AI: From challenge to opportunity" Presenter: Amanda Bickerstaff

25th March, 4pm (GMT)

"Help, I'm competing against AI: Human vs artificial intelligence in language teaching" Presenter: Ilya Gogin

26th March, 4pm (GMT)

"AI in language teaching: 10 major evolutions you need to prepare for" Presenter: Alex Asher

27th March, 4pm (GMT)

"Avoiding AI slop: Generating age and level-appropriate content" Presenter: Luke Priddy

28th March, 4pm (GMT)

"Less planning, more impact: Using AI to create effective lesson activities" Presenters: Jay Bhadresha and Nina Hall

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