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Archív roku 2024


Kde: Online
Na tému: Unlocking the potential of AI in English language learning
Pre: All teachers
Typ akcie: Webinár

Dear teachers and lecturers,

we want to invite you to Pearson Live webinar series Unlocking the potential of AI in English language learning. The online event, will take place between 11th and 15th March and will provide 5 thought-leadership sessions on trendy topics in ELT.

Join this live webinar series to discover the tools, techniques and trends to help build your learners’ confidence using English.



11th March, 4pm (GMT)

“Artificial intelligence: Shining light in the language classroom,” Dr. Ken Beatty

12th March, 4pm (GMT)

“A teachers' guide to: Safe and ethical AI usage for learners,” Kacper Łodzikowski

13th March, 4pm (GMT)

“Practice English speaking with AI: Using AI in the classroom to build learners' confidence,” Magdalena Kania

14th March, 4pm (GMT)

“AI and storytelling: How to use AI as a powerful tool in creative writing,” Billie Jago

15th March, 4pm (GMT)

“Teaching in the age of AI: 7 tips for preparing for an educational evolution,” Ilya Gogin




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