Vážení učitelia a lektori anglického jazyka,
srdečne Vás pozývame na produktovú prezentáciu, kde Vám predstavíme učebnicu My Disney Stars and Friends (viac informácií TU). Táto učebnica je úplnou novinkou na výučbu angličtiny detí už od predškolského veku. Naša metodička Vám ukáže jej možnosti a rada zodpovie Vaše otázky. Prezentácia je v českom jazyku.
"My Disney Stars and Friends is a new pre-primary course for children aged 3-5. The course brings together the magic of Disney and the rigor of Pearson educational content to give learners a fun and motivating start to language-learning. The perfect combination of delightful Disney characters and stories with real-life values and contexts helps to develop children’s future skills such as building self-awareness, social awareness, persistence and growth. This simple and flexible course is designed to suit teacher’s specific classroom needs and provides comprehensive digital offering for every teaching scenario, including Presentation Tool and eBooks. It is built on rigorous pedagogical foundations and support material from an early age through the Global Scale of English."