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Archív roku 2019

webinar 22 1 19

Vážení učitelia, vážení lektori,

pozývame Vás na prvý webinár v novom roku na tému - Maturita Super-Speaker. V tomto webinári Vám ukážeme, ako pripraviť svojich študentov čo najlepšie na ústnu časť maturitnej skúšky. Tento webinár je svojím obsahom určený pre všetkých učiteľov a lektorov angličtiny. Webinár je pre Vás, našich zákazníkov, zadarmo.

22. 1. 2019 od 18:00 do 19:00
Kdekoľvek s pripojením k internetu
na tému
Maturita Super-Speaker 

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Mgr. Danka Sekerková„Yes, yes, well, I err...” and silence. You might be typically hearing such responses from common Czech students who can understand English well but have difficulty when it comes to speaking.  Being obsessed with accuracy, they wouldn´t say a phrase if they weren´t at least 95% sure about its correctness. The best, but not the only, way to prepare your students for Maturita Speaking exam is a lot of practice in a “laboratory” where mistakes are permitted and serve as positive feedback. In this workshop, you will be introduced to an updated Pearson course book New Maturita Activator, which puts emphasis on systematic Maturita preparation.  We will look not only at authentic Maturita speaking tasks, exam strategies and techniques, but you will also try out several practical speaking activities.

Target group: Teens

Viac informácii o lektorke nájdete TU.

Slovak Ventures s.r.o

Štefánikova trieda 8/15, 949 01 Nitra

Slovenská republika

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