Vážení učitelia, vážení lektori,
pozývame Vás na pokračovanie webinárov. Webinár s názvom Tangible progress – motivate your students with in-between levels je svojím obsahom určený pre všetkých učiteľov a lektorov angličtiny. Webinár je pre Vás, našich zákazníkov, zadarmo.
20. 2. 2019 od 18:00 do 19:00
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Tangible progress – motivate your students with in-between levels
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Mgr. Danka Sekerková: „When students reach a certain level of English, the progress is slower, which might discourage some of them and make them quit classes. Show your students a path which will guide them step by step to their objectives of being a fluent and independent user of the English language. Such steps are described in detail in the Global Scale of English (GSE) and allow teachers to measure learner´s progress more accurately and easily. Another way to encourage students is to introduce in-between levels coursebooks, which fill in quite a large gap, especially between the level intermediate and upper-intermediate, and advanced and proficiency. You will learn more about the above-mentioned tools during this seminar."
Target group: Teens, Adults
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