16.4. 2015, 9:00 - 11:40, hotel Falkensteiner, Bratislava
9:00 - 9:30 Registrácia
9:30 – 10:30 Moving on up (Phil Warwick)
10:30 – 10:50 Coffee break
10:50 – 11:40 Using learning styles effectively (Markéta Špinková)
Prosím zaregistrujte sa na https://docs.google.com/forms/d/15dIfwmV4MU_awfADzq0J7L9TPz8pQia4jaW06-i9O64/viewform?c=0&w=1
We all know that passing the Maturita exam is a huge stage in the academic development of our students, and like any transition it can appear daunting to them as the exam gets closer. We need to provide them with the right set of skills to tackle the specific tasks that they are going to face. Sometimes just knowing what is tested and focusing on the weaker areas like Reading and Linguistic meaning, in a fun and exciting way, can make all the difference.
Using Next Move (a lower-secondary course) and Choices (an upper-secondary course) from Pearson, this session will aim to give teachers all the necessary tools to ensure that this transition goes as smoothly as possible. Harnessing those traditional activities that we all know work in the classroom with a fresh approach to tackling the skills that students struggle with, or just find boring, we'll look at some exam strategies for Maturita that can help move your students on to success.
PHIL WARWICK (PEARSON)Philip is a qualified teacher trainer who has been involved in language teaching for over 20 years, working in many countries including Brazil, China, Italy and Argentina. He is currently Director of Teaching for a private language school in the Czech Republic and Academic Co-ordinator for Embassy Summer schools in the UK. He is a speaking examiner for international exams and has taught on several CELTA courses and regularly delivers presentations for Pearson.
Are you good at using maps? Do you sing in a bathroom? The answers to these questions can show you what your learning style is. The awareness of one's learning style helps to choose the most effective learning strategy. In the seminar you will have a chance to find out what your learning style is and how to recognize what type of learners your students are. Furthermore we will take a look on what activities you should accent in your lessons depending on your students' learning styles.
Markéta Špinková graduated in English and Czech language and literature at Charles University in Prague. She has been teaching students of various ages and interests for nine years and gained her teaching experience at private language schools, Swedish primary school and Czech secondary school. She is enthusiastic about methodology and teacher training. Apart from teaching she has been currently working as a methodology consultant for Bohemian Ventures.
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